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Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 63F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Connecting the Valley to Print and Digital
LEWISBURG — A paintbrush, a canvas and a studio barn is all Joanne Landis needs to tell a story. Landis’ “Each Single Thing” oil painting exhibit will be on display in Gallery 255 at the Public Library for Union County throughout September.
Landis considers herself a “narrative” painter.
“My figures, mostly women, are often meditations on archetypes, myth or personal experience,” she said. “This allows me to build an environment inhabited by beings with all that it means to be human, alive, and still in a dream.”
Landis is a graduate of the Parsons School of Design. As a native New Yorker, she has taught at the Fashion Institute of Technology and the New School in New York City. She has also taught at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
Her work has been featured in several solo and group exhibitions. Most recently, Landis earned second prize in Susquehanna University’s 10th Annual National Figurative Show. She lives in Troxelville, telling stories with a paintbrush in her rustic studio barn.
Artists and organizations are encouraged to apply to exhibit items of artistic, cultural and intellectual interest in the library’s gallery or display cases.
For more information, visit
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